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5 Texas Holdem Poker Mistakes to Avoid

Posted on Monday, 30 September 2019 by Gamblin Blogs | 0 comments

In my time as a Texas Hold'em Poker player, I've found these 5 simple mistakes to be responsible for HEAPS of lost money. Ultimately, if you make them, you'll end up like the rest of the "losing markers" out there. Either that or you'll give up at poker (claiming that it's based on "luck"), and never play again. So, here are the five texas hold'em poker mistakes to avoid:
1. Getting Too Emotional
Don't let your emotions come out at the poker table! It's easy to get into the game, but you've got to practice self-control! By staying cool, calm, and disciplined, you'll be able to concentrate on your strategy and winning the hand.
2. Concentrating Too Much On the Cards
Remember, poker is about the PLAYERS rather than the HANDS. Sure, what cards you have is definitely important, but the only way to consistently WIN Texas Hold 'EM poker is if you are able to "read" the other players at the table. Study their habits, watch their faces observing their peculiarities... and THEN focus on your own hand.
3. Being Too Consistent
The easiest way to win easy money at the poker table is to just study a person's habits, and then take advantage of them hand-by-hand because they're so predictable. Don't be this kind of sitting duck! If you make the same moves and same bets at the table every time you play, other players will pick up on it so fast that you'll be out of chips in no time. Be unpredictable in a calculated way. It will frustrate the other players... and you'll win all their chips.
4. Not Adapting To the Skill Level of Others
A lot of professionals refuse to play with "newbie's" because they know there's such a high risk of losing and being embarrassed. So how exactly can these beginners beat these PROS? It's simple. The pros are SO MUCH BETTER at poker, that they are actually FOOLED by how BAD these new players are. The pros are USED TO playing against other pros... This makes it difficult for them to even "remember" how to play against beginners Every card table is different so you need to learn how to adapt your game to each different situation... Sometimes you'll have to increase the complexity of your strategy. Other times you'll need to "dumb down" the strategy and only focus on the habits of the players.
5. Not Getting Help.
You weren't born knowing how to play Texas Hold 'Em Poker. You were obviously taught how to play. The problem is most poker players never bother to take their skills to the next level by getting professional instruction. The professionals use very private Poker Secrets Strategies that takes their skills to the next level.


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