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Tight Aggressive NL Texas Holdem Poker - 3 New Tips For More Profits

Posted on Monday, 30 September 2019 by Gamblin Blogs | 0 comments

Improve your tight aggressive NL Texas Holdem Poker play with these 3 new TAG tips on exactly how to make more money faster playing TAG.
You can make money quite easily with a tight aggressive NL Texas Holdem Poker strategy however if you make a few tweaks and adjustments you can increase the profit per hour potential of your poker game. Read this whole article to find out how to improve your game today.
New TAG Tip #1
The first new tip of TAG play is to tighten up a little more in earlier positions and loosen up a little in later positions.
Most of your money is made from the later positions because you have the positional advantage. By playing more cards in later positions you will win more.
Also, most of you money is lost in the earlier positions, so by only playing the literally best cards you will reduce losses here.
New TAG Tip #2
The second new tip is to get smart with your TAG aggression. Sure you can just stick to a relentless 3xbb raise reraise strategy, which by the way works a treat, but if you slightly tweak this too you can profit more.
By being in-tune with the tables reaction to betting, you can still more chips with bigger raises, scoot by (whilst still maintaining good aggression) with slightly smaller raises, and impacting the table with large raises without needed to go all-in and incurring the risks that come with that.
New TAG Tip #3
The third new tip I have for you is to consider playing around with different limit levels. Style of play and successfulness will vary limit to limit but you may find you are able to make more money at a higher limit, or less, or more money at a lower limit, or less.
Play around with playing lower limits but multi-tabling 3 or 4 tables, you'll probably find you can make more money than if you had of played one table at a higher limit, whilst at the same time reducing your risk/potential for loss.
I know you are realizing how useful these tips have been for you and are aware of how helpful this article has been. Before you go on to learn more tips about TAG and poker please have a think about how you are going to implement these tips you have already learned today.


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